
Hello I'm Arush, a Product Guy, UX Designer & Software Developer who is Tech Savvy, Data Oriented, & User Focused. Being a people person with a sense of humor, I enjoy working with members of diverse teams to define processes, balance between user & business needs, and prioritize work.


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I am a Product enthusiast who is Tech Savvy, Detail Oriented, & Analytically Focused. I manage tech teams and facilitate effective communication that ensures maximum visibility of the project to all stakeholders using Lean-Agile frameworks, such as Kanban and Scrum. Have the ability to figure out solutions in the midst of chaos.
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N.B. I am looking for full-time Product Management/ Project Management/ Tech. Sales roles in companies that strive to bring about lasting social and technological changes. If you have an idea for a collaboration, hit me up and we could discuss over a coffee!

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